HAVING read the article in the Guardian (February 20), readers may be interested to know that, as I understand it, money may shortly become available to repair Cheshire East roads, which must surely be among the worst in the country following years of neglect.

Potholed and broken-up road surfaces and pavements are a danger to all road users. A hole need not be more than two inches deep to make a cyclist swerve, perhaps into other traffic, or an uneven pavement to cause an elderly person to trip. In many cases an area of potholes is reported and subsequently only one out of a number deemed deep enough and repaired. What a waste of effort and money!

Now is the time when residents have an opportunity to ensure money comes to Knutsford to repair our roads.

Members of CycleKnutsford have taken on surveying roads near where they live, and reporting faults. This way we hope to cover the town and surrounding area. However any resident could do this, multiple reports have a bigger impact. Just go to Cheshire East website home page and search ‘report potholes’. It is then very easy to submit details. In addition, by clicking ‘return to map’ after each submission, a series of faults can be reported fairly quickly.

JANE McHARRY Ashworth Park, Knutsford