Removal of the Bollards

Nearly a month ago, the bollards (traffic calming measures) outside of Knutsford Academy were removed.

These bollards used to be in place to narrow down the road and to help calm down traffic and ensure that accidents from speeding down the road were limited and stopped,


In the summer, roadworks around Gaskell Avenue had started and the road was shut off for weeks.

 Now, the road down Gaskell Avenue is now completely blocked off and you cannot get down that round from the roundabout anymore.

Therefore, it means that the coaches for Knutsford Academy cannot use the roundabout to get to and from school anymore.


As an alternative route to the academy, they now have to go past Knutsford Academy’s lower school and down the narrow road.

Since the coaches are fairly large compared to normal cars, they would have had trouble going around the bend and past the bollards smoothly without causing a little too large traffic jam that could get heavily backed up.


As a solution to this issue, they have removed the bollards to the left of the exit of Knutsford Academy to ensure that the coaches can leave the school premises smoothly and efficiently without causing any issues.

This system is a lot more effective and makes it easier for everyone to get home at the end of the day within a reasonable time.