RESULTS of recent competitions at Alderley Edge and Styal Golf Clubs can now be revealed.

The monthly stableford at Alderley Edge produced some good scoring on a sunny day considering the hangovers from the vice captain’s away day.

The winner was Peter Peterson after a card play-off on 41 with Mike O’Regan, while Jan Chichocki won division one with 39 and Simon McSweeney won the nearest-the-pin prize.

The Centenary Trophy at Alderley was won by Bobby Murphy with 40, finishing in front of Alex Ridgway and Rob Anderson, both 39.

The latest round in the women’s Styal Summer Cup was won by Pat Millat, 22, from Jane Gaskell and Jackie Poyser, both 20.

A singles stableford at Styal was led in by Derek Schofield, 40, ahead of Pamela Blackburn, 39, and Terry McAlhone, 36.

Styal seniors were in medal action, with Nick Gillings bossing division one with 63 and following in behind were Paul Jones, 67, and Mike Hinde, 69.

In division two, Peter McKenna was the top shot after a card play-off on 68 with Mel Mason, one less than David Melia.

A Wednesday stableford at Styal saw Pamela Blackburn first past the post with 42, well clear of Nick Saberton, 37, and Rob Sanderson, 34.