FAILING to pay a £7 car park fee has cost a driver £460.

Anthony Morrow, of Hough Lane, Wilmslow, was charged with leaving a vehicle without paying at Wilmslow Railway Station.

The case was brought to Warrington Magistrates’ Court by Northern Trains Limited on October 7.

The defendant parked a car at Wilmslow Station at 11.25am on Wednesday, March 27, this year, the court heard.

Charges are made for parking by an operator via the RingGo system and details of how to pay are displayed in the car park, magistrates were told.

A penalty parking notice was issued and placed on the vehicle to show that the appropriate charge had not been made.

Full instructions of where to send payment or dispute the matter are clearly printed on the notice.

Payment was not received so enquiries were made to the DVLA to identify the registered owner.

It was verified that that the vehicle did belong to Morrow.

Two letters were sent to the defendant requesting the outstanding payment. No dispute or payment has been received.

The daily charge for this car park is £7.

After listening to the evidence, magistrates found the case proved. The defendant was not present in court for the hearing.

Morrow was fined £220 and ordered to pay £150 costs, £7 compensation and £88 victim surcharge.

The defendant was given until November 4 to pay the £465 court penalty.