This Labour government’s decision to push ahead with its plans to add VAT onto private school fees is not only economically illiterate but also deprives parents the choice of where to educate their children.

Government claims the tax will generate up to £1.5 billion to be invested in the state school system by recruiting 6,500 additional teachers.

There are more than 24,000 schools in England alone, so that equates to just one new teacher for every three or four schools  - so is hardly a game changer for state schools.

But what Labour’s VAT changes will inevitably do is to close down some private schools which in turn will deprive families of school places and school choices and will pile more pressures and push more pupils into state schools.

That’s where the money would go - on additional school places - so there will be no benefit at all to anyone. 

In Tatton we have five independent schools, but many of our children travel outside of the area to other private schools, many of which have contacted me, and they are all concerned about the proposals. 

They are telling me that this policy takes away choice. Most of these parents work hard to pay for education and make sacrifices to ensure their children get that education but the extra costs will be too much for some.

Similarly, the schools are not in a position to absorb the VAT despite the government’s suggestion - most private schools operate on very small profit margins.

So why push ahead with it? It doesn’t make any economic sense but this is good old fashioned socialist class warfare.

But this won't affect Eton or Harrow, it will impact smaller independent schools and parents who scrimp and save to pay for private education for their children.

Most worryingly, it will also have a devastating effect on all SEND children whether they attend private school or not -  an issue I raised last month in a Parliamentary debate. 

That’s because under the new VAT rules, a child would be exempt from the increase (if certain criteria are met including) if the local authority funded the Education, Health and Care plan and named the private school on it. 

It could see 100,000 pupils seeking a plan - adding to the already huge waiting lists.

These waits are already too long across all three councils that cover my constituency and if this policy goes ahead Labour will only make things worse for every SEND child.

They need to think again about this senseless policy.