A DRIVER who failed to provide a breath specimen to the police has been banned from the road.

The case against Gary Naden, of Elm Crescent, Alderley Edge, was heard in a trial at Chester Magistrates’ Court on September 23.

The 42-year-old had pleaded not guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis at an earlier hearing on March 12.

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Naden had been required to provide a breath specimen during an investigation into a suspected driving offence on February 25, this year in Macclesfield, the court heard.

Under the Road Traffic Act 1988, if the police have reasonable suspicion that someone is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they have the authority to request a specimen.

Refusing to provide a specimen of breath without reasonable grounds constitutes a criminal offence.

Magistrates found the case proved after listening to the evidence.

Naden was disqualified from driving for 36 months, fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £650 costs.