A DRIVER clocked speeding has avoided a ban, to protect her job and care for her family.

Shazia Hyatt, of Pownhall Court, Wilmslow, pleaded guilty to exceeding the 40mph speed limit when she appeared by live link at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on September 13.

The 49-year-old was caught speeding while driving an Audi Coupe on Princess Parkway in Manchester, near to the M60 at Northenden on November 10, last year.

Greater Manchester Police recorded the excess speed on manned equipment, the court heard.

Magistrates decided not to impose a 'totting' disqualification after listening to mitigating circumstances.

Hyatt said she undertakes ‘a lot of outreach work in the community’ which requires her to travel extensively around the country to engage with young people.

The defendant said she would not be able to carry out face to face interaction using public transport.

She told the court she needs her car to drive to appointments.

A driving ban would have an impact on her caring responsibilities for family members who have health issues, the court was told.

Hyatt was fined £584 and ordered to pay £234 victim surcharge and £90 costs.

Her driving licence was endorsed with four points.

The defendant was given until October 11 to pay the £908 court penalty.