AN OUTREACH team who befriends the homeless has been ‘blown away’ by the generosity of the local community.

Knutsford volunteer Louise Stott launched Manchester Street Buddies after working with another homeless project for many years.

The 55-year-old nan and three friends from Knutsford and Lymm distribute clothing, toiletries, snacks and emergency items to anyone sleeping on the streets of the city.

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Every Friday evening, they turn up with food and supplies to support men and women with nowhere to call home.

Volunteers distribute clothing, toiletries and food to the homeless every weekVolunteers distribute clothing, toiletries and food to the homeless every week (Image: Supplied)

The Builder’s Arms on Mobberley Road held a family fun day and raised £700.

The football team and D&C Athletic kicked off the event which included live music, a barbecue and raffle.

Street buddies wheel trollies packed with sleeping bags and emergency supplies through the streets of ManchesterStreet buddies wheel trollies packed with sleeping bags and emergency supplies through the streets of Manchester (Image: Supplied)

Louise said: “We are blown away by the kindness and generosity which was shown at the Builders, raising a whopping £700 in one afternoon!

“This will go a long way in buying much needed items such as sleeping bags, joggers, hoodies, torches, wet wipes, boxers, knickers, socks and sanitary wear.

Volunteers know many of the homeless by their first namesVolunteers know many of the homeless by their first names (Image: Supplied)

“We, street buddies, are overwhelmed.

“There are only four of us and it’s a lot of work, but we do what we can.

The street buddies always have a friendly chat with the people they helpThe street buddies always have a friendly chat with the people they help (Image: Supplied)

“Most of us work full time but we spend hours collecting donations, washing stuff and preparing everything.

“We also supply drinks, snacks and food.

“This is all funded by ourselves and donations.

The team follows a specific route to reach people who have become friendsThe team follows a specific route to reach people who have become friends (Image: Supplied)

“Local people are very generous and kind and are happy to support our group.

“Whenever we ask for specific items, we get a great response.

"We can give out 15 sleeping bags a week because once they are wet, they can' t be used.

"We often need more obscure things like bigger footwear.

“Someone donated yoga mats which are brilliant as this takes people off the concrete ground.”

Buddies prepare and distribute food for the homelessBuddies prepare and distribute food for the homeless (Image: Supplied)

The team has built up a rapport and trust with the homeless.

Louise, who works with adults with learning disability, said: “We don’t stand in one spot and wait for people to come to us.

“We have our own walking route.

“What is unique to us is that we are quite personable and know people by their first names. They give us hugs.

“We always make sure we have a vegan meal for a man who busks.

“Another guy still has contact with his grandchildren so we bring him Haribos so he can give them some sweets.

“We are missed if for any reason we’re not there.”

Many people, she said, end up on the street through no fault of their own.

Louise said: “There are myths about them being drug addicts and alcoholics.

“Many are there through lots of other issues such as divorce or becoming homeless. It’s not black and white out there.

“They don’t want to be shoved into hostels full of people with addictions, and where they can’t take their dogs.”

Louise is keen to involve young people in the project.

“We encourage our younger generation to come out with us,” she said.

“Often, my grandson and his two friends join us. They really enjoy it.

Harvey Comley and Jenson Evans helping his nan, Louise Stott helping the homelessHarvey Comley and Jenson Evans helping his nan, Louise Stott helping the homeless (Image: Supplied)

“Bexton Primary School did a project at Christmas and donated lots of little care packages for us to take out which was lovely.”

The search is now on to find more people to join their team.

Louise said: “We are on the lookout for new volunteers.

“We are particularly short of people who can drive.”

Anyone wishing to volunteer or donate items can contact Manchester Street Buddies on Facebook.