A DRIVER clocked speeding on the M6 and jumping a red light has been banned from the road.

Anthony Mayoh, of Wallingford Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, pleaded guilty at Chester Magistrates’ Court on August 28 to exceeding the speed limit.

The 26-year-old was caught on manned equipment driving a BMW on the M6 near Plumley exceeding 70mph on April 17, this year.

Mayoh also pleaded guilty to jumping a red light on the same day at a nearby traffic light signal.

The defendant was disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 75 days.

Mayoh was fined £480 and ordered to pay £110 costs and £192 victim surcharge.

No separate penalty was given for jumping a red light but his driving licence was endorsed.

Magistrates took his guilty plea into consideration when imposing the sentence.

Mayoh pledged to pay the £782 court penalty in £70 monthly instalments starting on September 25.