A TOY shop has been left facing a ‘last chance saloon’ by an act of vandalism.

Stuart Andrew, owner of Hal Whittaker in Knutsford, is calling on the public to support the high street.

It comes after the toy shop on Princess Street had its front window smashed by ‘mindless’ vandals over the weekend.

Stuart, 54, said: “It’s hard enough to make a living as it is with the spiralling costs. Ridiculous things like this mindless vandalism just drive nails into the coffin lid.

“It’s not the first time it’s happened. You’re a victim of statistics, it happens to most shop owners at some stage.

“But you just feel totally violated and sick. When it’s nothing more than mindless vandalism it’s just so annoying because the airheads that do it have no idea of the repercussions.”

The vandalism occurred sometime between 5pm on Saturday (July 20) and 6.30am the following morningThe vandalism occurred sometime between 5pm on Saturday (July 20) and 6.30am the following morning (Image: Supplied)

Hal Whittaker has been trading in Knutsford for nearly 60 years.

Since Covid, Stuart has noticed a huge decline in footfall, which has left the business on the brink of collapse.

He added: “Everyone’s way of shopping has totally changed.

“The scales have tipped. Towns like Knutsford can be ghost towns during the week, there’s just no footfall whatsoever.

“Such a great proportion of people don’t shop in the towns like they used to, they just grab their phones instead."

Hal Whittaker is run solely by Stuart and his wife as they cannot afford to employ more staff.

The continued shift towards a cashless society has also impacted the business, with Stuart admitting they have had to refuse sales as the card machine commission would result in them losing money.

Next month, the shop will launch a new website in a last-gasp bid to secure its future.

“The purpose of the website is to try and claw back some of the market we’ve lost,” Stuart said.

“This is the last chance saloon for us. If people don’t get behind the website then unfortunately we will be looking at winding up the business in the next couple of years.

“It’s incredibly upsetting to think that we might have to close. It’s just a sign of the times, unfortunately.”

He added: “People need to realise and appreciate what they have in their local town.

“Places like Knutsford are unique, it’s a fantastic town and there’s a great mix of independent shops.

“But, rather than using them as a last resort, people need to try and give them more thought.

“There will come a time when shops people have come to appreciate over the years will be gone. It's only when it's too late that they will wish they had used them more.”

Knutsford resident Nigel Kappes was very upset after seeing the damage to the shop.

He said: "Hal Whittaker is a local treasure and hub for all of Knutsford's children.

"The owners of the toy shop are a lovely couple who, like many local independent retailers, make Knutsford such a pleasant and vibrant place to visit and live."

Cheshire Police are investigating the vandalism.

A spokesperson for the force said: "At 11.45am on Sunday (July 21), police were made aware of reports of criminal damage at a shop on Princess Street, Knutsford.

"The caller reported that a shop window had been shattered.

"The damage is believed to have taken place sometime between 5pm on Saturday and 6.30am on Sunday."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Cheshire Police at www.cheshire.police.uk/tell-us, quoting IML 1875946.