FIREFIGHTERS are constantly honing their skills to tackle life-threatening incidents.

Crews from Knutsford, Wilmslow and Macclesfield teamed up with prison staff at HMP Styal this week to carry out a training simulation.

Firefighters had to put their rescue techniques to the test on Monday evening.

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Firefighters practice tending to casualties rescued from a fireFirefighters practice tending to casualties rescued from a fire (Image: Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service)

In the scenario, crews had to demonstrate how to find casualties trapped in a fire at the prison.

A spokesman for Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service posted on social media: “Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus were tasked with dealing with a fire and searching for missing casualties.

Firefighters deal with a simulated fire in the visitor centre at HMP StyalFirefighters deal with a simulated fire in the visitor centre at HMP Styal (Image: Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service)

“The exercise was to test a multi-agency response to a simulated fire in the visitor centre, with breathing apparatus (BA) teams sent in to fight the fire and search for casualties after prison staff had evacuated the building.

Firefighters search for casualties in a training simulation at HMP StyalFirefighters search for casualties in a training simulation at HMP Styal (Image: Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service)

“BA teams had their vision obscured to simulate low-visibility/smoky conditions but all casualties were still located and overall the exercise was a success.”