A DRIVER clocked speeding has avoided a ban to protect her job.

Mollie Sheridan, of Plumley, pleaded guilty to exceeding the 40mph speed limit at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on June 10.

The 28-year-old BMW driver was caught by a radar gun speeding on the A34 Kingsway, near to the M60, Cheadle in Stockport on July 19, last year.

Magistrates decided not to impose a totting disqualification after hearing mitigating circumstances.

The court heard that the defendant lives in a rural area with no buses and has family caring responsibilities.

Sheridan would lose her job, magistrates were told, if she was unable to drive.

The defendant was fined £222 and ordered to pay £120 costs and £89 victim surcharge.

Her driving licence was endorsed with three points.

Sheridan was ordered to pay the £431 court penalty by July 8.