WESTMINSTER hopefuls in what's turned out to be one of the UK’s most closely contested seats have set their stalls out for voters as July 4 looms large. 

Tatton’s five parliamentary candidates have summed up their key pledges in a few short paragraphs ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4.

A YouGov poll produced between May 21, and Jun 1, gives Labour’s Ryan Jude a 39 per cent share of the vote, and the Conservative’s incumbent, Esther McVey, 38 per cent.

This makes Tatton one of the most closely contested seats in the country, and with a higher-than-average voter turnout at around 70 per cent, this means this year, everyone's votes are going to matter.

Tatton has returned several high-profile MPs in the past, including former chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, BBC journalist Martin Bell, and former UKIP leader, Neil Hamilton.

Here is what each of the candidates have to say with just over a week left before the election.

Nigel Hennerley, Green Party

Nigel Hennerley is also a High Leigh parish councillorNigel Hennerley is also a High Legh parish councillor (Image: Nigel Hennerley)

Nigel said: "I have lived in Tatton for over thirty years and serve as a Parish Councillor in High Legh.

"I joined the Green Party in 2014, and in 2019, I gave an information event to the leaders of Cheshire East Council ahead of the release of their Environmental Strategy.

"Today I am a member of the National Green Party Climate Emergency Policy Working Group and we work to inform the Green Party policy and our manifesto for this election regards climate change.

"In High Legh, I chair our climate and environment working group. Together we encourage change and take action for our environment.

"As the appointed vice chair of a prominent social housing provider, Voice Panel, I represent the interests of social housing tenants across the North West, and work to raise standards in the sector.

"This has given me a very important insight into how to improve and support providing much-needed safe, secure homes going forward.

"I gave evidence on three occasions to the Commons Select Committee hearings against HS2, and presented a report to the prime minister shortly before its cancellation.

"A vote for the Green Party is not a wasted vote. Without you demanding change it will be more business as usual. This will be your opportunity to influence policy for our planet, our environment, a more sustainable future, a fairer society.

"Voters are increasingly turning to the Greens because we offer a real alternative, with sensible and practical policies to tackle local and national issues such as the cost of living and the housing crisis. 

"Labour has cut its green investment plans by half. By voting Labour we are saying we are okay with this. Only by voting Green can we influence the change we need."

Ryan Jude, Labour

Though regarded as a safe seat for the Tories, Labour's Ryan Jude is looks to be neck-and-neck with them in the pollsThough regarded as a safe seat for the Tories, Labour's Ryan Jude is looks to be neck-and-neck with them in the polls (Image: Ryan Jude)

A Labour spokesman said: "The Tatton constituency has seen its fair share of political drama over the years but has largely been viewed as a Conversative safe seat– until now.

“Opinion polls now show Tatton on a knife-edge between incumbent Conservative Esther McVey, vs Labour’s Ryan Jude, who grew up locally and is an environmental policy expert at a non-profit organisation. Every vote will count.

"Ryan grew up in Cheadle Hulme and Bramhall, and his love for the environment - now his career - was nurtured here. He’s spoken to thousands of local residents over the last few months, on everything from restoring public services to worries about the cost-of-living crisis."

 Ryan said: “My parents moved to the UK from India to work for the NHS, and it was round here they made their new home. I spent my youth enjoying our wonderful natural environment and local towns and villages.

 “Growing up, I was a young carer for my bother, and volunteered at local groups supporting children and adults with learning disabilities, like my brother. I’ve seen first-hand the impact that damaging Conservative policies have had on these local groups, families and communities. The people of Tatton deserve better.

“After 14 years of this government, we are all paying more, for less. Public services crumble around us, our environment is polluted, anti-social behaviour is rocketing, and our MPs aren’t working for us.

“I want to fight for the things people in our area really care about. I'll be a hard-working, full-time MP - and proud to be Tatton’s most local MP ever.”

Esther McVey, Conservatives

Incumbent MP for Tatton, Esther McVeyIncumbent MP for Tatton, Esther McVey (Image: Esther McVey)

Esther said: "Since becoming the Tatton MP in 2017, I have prided myself on being active, accessible, and visible in the local community.  

"I am privileged to live in the heart of the Tatton constituency - unlike the Labour candidate who is a Westminster Councillor and lives in London and has been parachuted into our area for the election by Keir Starmer.

"Locally I’ve campaigned with residents to stop HS2 which would have destroyed many of our villages in Tatton and large swathes of our countryside, and now all that hard work, over many years, is at risk should Labour get elected.

"The money saved from HS2 will be spent on local transport infrastructure, resurfacing roads, filling potholes, and repairing pavements. Labour-run Cheshire East already have extra money for road repairs - they just need to start spending it.

"I’ve worked with local community groups, sports clubs, and charities, getting them government grants and donations, protected our green spaces and made sure Tatton won the access for all bid for a lift at Handforth station.  I stood up to Labour's Cheshire East Council when it tried to close Knutsford leisure centre.

"At this election, for a strong, local champion, I very much hope you will vote for me."

Jonathan Smith

Tatton Liberal Democrat candidate, Jonathan SmithTatton Liberal Democrat candidate, Jonathan Smith (Image: Jonathan Smith)

Jonathan said: "I am proud to be representing the Liberal Democrats at this election. We are a Party with the right values – to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society. And with the right policies - putting the NHS and social care front and centre. Fair taxation to rescue public services; defending human rights; restoring the UK internationally; ending sewage pollution; sticking to climate change targets; and bringing back community policing.

"I have had a career in public service, for more than 20 years at a very senior level, as a director of social services and NHS chief executive. Latterly, I became a children’s services specialist, and chaired safeguarding conferences. As your MP, I could immediately bring my experience to bear on sorting out health and social care.

"I am genuinely “local”, as people can see from my address on the ballot paper. My wife, Alison, and I have lived in Bowdon for more than 30 years, and our family has always seen Cheshire as our home county for walks, shopping, and entertainment.

"Since increasing the Lib Dem vote by 74 per cent in 2019, I have stayed working and campaigning across Tatton for all of the last five years, actively involved in many key local issues including health, social care, environment, banking hub, night flying, and potholes.

"My mission is to bring competence, compassion, integrity, and service back into politics, for Tatton and the Country. It would be an honour, and a privilege, to become the Liberal Democrat MP for Tatton."

Oliver Speakman, Reform UK

Reform UK's Oliver SpeakmanReform UK's Oliver Speakman (Image: Oliver Speakman)

Oliver said: “Reform UK is a political party and movement which is championing British interests through common sense policies aimed at protecting and promoting our common prosperity, safety and security, democracy, territorial integrity, constitution, and culture.

“We are attempting to correct the harm that has been done to our country in the last quarter century by the betrayals of all three establishment parties.

"It's common knowledge that the Conservatives have conserved very little, despite Esther's attempts locally. Labour holds small businesses and working Britons in contempt, and the Lib Dems show little understanding of liberal democracy.

"Nationally we would: grow the economy by reducing tax and the cost of living for ordinary people and small and medium sized businesses; reform the NHS to achieve zero waiting lists whilst ensuring it is free at point of service as now; fight to protect your standard of living, democratic freedoms and way of life and pay for much of this by scrapping net zero and encouraging innovation.

"Locally, I would support the farmers in food production and work to keep the green environment and reduce potholes whilst trying to stop the tax war on the motorist with car park charges and other restrictions on free movement and encourage local investment."