A SPECIAL float honouring Mobberley mountaineer George Mallory took part in the village's returning Rose Queen festival.

One hundred years ago this month, Mallory, along with Andrew Irvine, embarked on a historic climb of Everest climb before they disappeared.

And to mark the centenary, youngsters dressed as mountaineers, complete with ice picks and an 'Everest summit' replica, featured on an honorary float in the 2024 Rose Queen Procession.

Despite threatening weather on Saturday, June 15, the community gathered to support the parade and witness 12-year-old Knutsford Academy pupil Rosalie Tarne crowned as the 2024 Rose Queen.

Joined by her Ladies in Waiting Daisy Buckley and Martha McCloskey-Brennan, Rosalie made her way through the procession in a horse-drawn carriage.

A number of other floats, including one from the Beavers, also took part in the parade, but it was the fabulous Barbie-themed float from 1st Mobberley Rainbows which took home the float competition prize.

The Mallory floatThe Mallory float (Image: Supplied)

Rose Queen committee chairman Martin Sayell said: "Despite the threatening weather it stayed dry during the procession and most of the dancing, and then the heavens opened in Biblical style with a hail storm and driving winds.

"But there was a fantastic turnout and support from all village, definitely one to remember.  Congratulations Rosalie!

"Dance displays have always played an important part in the Mobberley Rose Queen Festival, and this year was no exception.

Rose Queen Rosalie Tarne and Lady in Waiting Daisy BuckleyRose Queen Rosalie Tarne and Lady in Waiting Daisy Buckley (Image: Supplied)

"Some of the traditional dances can be traced back several hundred years and Mobberley has its own version of the Morris dance.

"Meredith Eyres was welcomed as the new dance teacher, assisted by Amy Norbury.

"Meredith started dancing in the festival when she was five years old and this is her 15th year of dancing. 

"This year we also welcomed SMB Dance for the first time, who performed dances from the street dance and contemporary teams."

The procession making its way through the villageThe procession making its way through the village (Image: Supplied)

Also joining this year's festival were three visiting queens - Poppy Jackson, Ashley's Rose Queen; Ella Wilford, Goostrey's Rose Queen; and Ellie Pakenham-Walsh, Redesmere's Water Lily Queen, with twin sister Olivia as her Lady in Waiting.