A KNUTSFORD man is preparing to take on one of the toughest endurance challenges the world has to offer.

In December, Will Lomas will set out to row across the Atlantic Ocean in the World’s Toughest Row race.

Alongside crewmate Adam Hardman, Lomas will set out in their ocean rowing boat, The Entrepeneur Ship (also known as ‘Lucy’), from La Gormera – a small island that forms part of the Spanish Canary Islands – and embark on a gruelling 3,000-mile row to the Caribbean island of Antigua.

During the event, Will and Adam will be rowing for 24 hours a day and it is expected to take around 60 days to complete.

The pair will be supporting UnLtd – a UK-based charity set up to fund and support enterprising people with solutions that change society for the better.

“We followed Guy Rigby – our friend and founder of The Entrepreneur Ship – when he took on the World’s Toughest Row with his rowing partner David Murray in 2021/21,” Will said.

“Inspired by this and looking for a new challenge, we are excited to take Lucy (our boat) on her next voyage across the Atlantic.

“Although she is built for safety, not comfort!”

Adam continued: “The World’s Toughest Row is the ultimate test, not only physically but also mentally.

“I’m hoping Mother Nature will be kind to us and I can’t wait to get started, raising funds and awareness of UnLtd and the benefits it can bring to society, transforming our world for good.”

There are a number of sponsorship opportunities for The Entrepreneur Ship 2024 still available. Please visit theentrepreneurship2024.co.uk to discover how you can get involved in more detail.