RESIDENTS are invited to learn more about the 50-year history of Knutsford Town Council at a new exhibition.

The town council was created in 1974 following a country-wide shake-up of local government, which dissolved the Knutsford Urban District Council.

Opened at the Knutsford Heritage Centre in King Street, the exhibition chronicles the council's activity decade by decade.

Town clerk Adam Keppel-Green scoured minutes from 1974 onwards to put the exhibition together and mark the council's 50th anniversary.

Adam said: "It was fascinating to delve deeper into the work of the town council over the last 50 years as recounted through the minutes of meetings.

"There has been a recurring theme of frustration at things outside local control, poor service standards from the borough/county council and a number of problems that haven’t been properly resolved for the town – such as debates over pedestrianisation and parking."

One of the exhibition displaysOne of the exhibition displays (Image: KTC)

The exhibition aims to highlight the role of the council in supporting the town over the last five decades and showing how it has changed.

“The central theme shown in the timeline we’ve created is the council has consistently looked to address the local issues of the day; has been closely involved in planning matters; and has had a long chain of councillors who have worked to make Knutsford a better place for all,” Adam added.

Included in the exhibition is a full list – compiled for the first time – of the 114 people who have served as town councillors over the last 50 years.

Also featured are a number of photographs across decade-themed boards and several mementos from the council's history.

Town mayor Cllr Colin BanksTown mayor Cllr Colin Banks (Image: KTC)

Town mayor Cllr Colin Banks visited the heritage centre to view the exhibition and said: "We know not everyone will get excited about a council turning 50, but this exhibition aims to highlight the council’s role in serving the town.

"It’s an opportunity to recognise the importance of having a strong voice representing Knutsford and working for its constant betterment."

The exhibition is available to view at Knutsford Heritage Centre until August. The heritage centre is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 11am to 4pm.