A DRIVER caught almost three times the legal alcohol limit has been banned from the road.

Anthony Hampson, of Blackden Walk, Wilmslow, admitted at Crewe Magistrates Court to having 97 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath when he was caught.

The legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

The 37-year-old was sentenced on May 28, having pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing on April 15, when an interim ban was imposed.

The defendant was caught over the limit whilst behind the wheel of a Ford Focus on Southacres Drive in Handforth on March 24, last year.

Hampson was banned from driving for 26 months.

This disqualification could be reduced to 26 weeks if he completes a drink-driving rehabilitation course by October 14, 2025.

In addition, Hampson was given a community order to attend a course for alcohol treatment, as directed by the Probation Service.

The defendant also pleaded guilty to driving a vehicle on the same day without the correct licence.

Magistrates took his guilty plea into consideration when imposing the sentence.

Hampson was ordered to pay £85 costs and £114 victim surcharge.