A FURIOUS row erupted at full council after the Conservatives nominated former deputy leader David Brown to be deputy mayor.

Many opposition councillors were incensed his nomination came just weeks after an auditor’s report had revealed incidents of bullying and inappropriate behaviour at Cheshire East under the leadership of Michael Jones. The findings were strenuously denied by Mr Jones.

Cllr Brown (Congleton, Con), who was deputy leader at the time, was not named in the report and not referred to in connection with any wrongdoing.

Angry Tory councillors branded the attack on Cllr Brown at last week’s full council meeting, as ‘disgusting’ and a ‘character assassination’.

It had been led by council leader Sam Corcoran (Lab) who told the meeting at Macclesfield Town Hall: “I would not want to see that candidate (Cllr Brown) elected as mayor for the reasons stated in the public interest report that we debated at length only a few weeks ago.”

Wilmslow councillor Mark Goldsmith (Ind) said: “When I heard the Conservatives were nominating Cllr David Brown as deputy mayor, I had to check my phone to see if I'd entered some parallel universe and fast forwarded to April Fool's Day.”


Knutsford Guardian: Cllr Mark GoldsmithCllr Mark Goldsmith

He added: “I will be voting for Cllr Marilyn Houston (Lab) just purely because I don't want to split the vote and I don't want Cllr Brown to become mayor because, I think, that would send the wrong message to the people of Cheshire East that we haven't really changed.”

Cllr Patrick Redstone (Odd Rode, Con), who nominated Cllr Brown for the post of deputy mayor, was furious.

“I find the tone of this meeting is disgusting,” said Cllr Redstone.

Knutsford Guardian: Cllr Patrick RedstoneCllr Patrick Redstone (Image: Cheshire East Council)


“We are here to elect a mayor and a deputy mayor, we are not here to interrogate their character with them out of the room. This offence against natural justice. What are you like, that you can treat another human being like that behind their back, assassinate their character without them having any recourse? I say shame on you.”

Cllr Liz Wardlaw (Odd Rode, Con) said Cllr Brown had worked hard for his community, delivering the Congleton Link Road, the Tour of Britain and much more during his time as a Cheshire East councillor.

“That all that good work should be forgotten because of the issues around a different person,  I think is sad and doesn't reflect his ability to deliver for his colleagues and his residents,” said Cllr Wardlaw. “I think he is deserving of this honour.”

Cllr Brown was also praised by Cllr Denis Murphy (Congleton, Lib Dem) who said: “I have a great deal of respect for him.”

Conservative group leader Janet Clowes was fuming and pointed out Cllr Brown – who had to leave the room with other candidates while the nominations were discussed – was not able to respond.

“I would ask for an apology on his behalf and on our party immediately from both those members (councillors Corcoran and Goldsmith),” she said.

That apology never came.

Three candidates had been nominated – Cllr Brown, Cllr Marilyn Houston (Lab) and Cllr David Edwardes (Ind).

Knutsford Guardian: Cllr Marilyn Houston was elected as deputy mayor electCllr Marilyn Houston was elected as deputy mayor elect (Image: Cheshire East Council)


After the first round the vote was tied at 26 each for councillors Houston and Brown. After a second vote Cllr Houston was elected as Cheshire East deputy mayor for 2023/24.

During an earlier, much friendlier debate, Cllr Rod Fletcher (Lib Dem) was voted through as mayor-elect, unopposed.