A DRIVER clocked speeding through roadworks on a motorway has been hit with a £750 court penalty.

David Thompson, of Grebe Close, Knutsford, pleaded guilty at Manchester Magistrates Court on January 24 to exceeding the speed limit.

The 41-year-old was caught driving a Ford on the M62 westbound between junctions 11 and 10 in Manchester at a speed of 61mph on April 22, last year.

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The temporary speed limit on the day in question was 40mph due to ‘smart motorway’ roadworks, the court heard.

The defendant was fined £600 and ordered to pay £90 costs and £60 victim surcharge.

Magistrates also endorsed his driving licence with four points.

The defendant’s guilty plea was taken into account when the sentence was imposed.

Thompson was given until February 21 to pay the £750 court penalty.