A FORMER professional footballer who threatened his ex-girlfriend on the phone has been banned from going near her home.

Former Crystal Palace attacker Fisayo Adarabioyo was charged with harassing the victim without violence at her home in Knutsford.

The 27-year-old repeatedly bombarded the woman with numerous calls and texts between May 8 and 11 last year, Warrington magistrates heard.

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The striker denied the charges but was found guilty on November 17.

Adarabioya, who lives in a detached six-bedroom property on Mere Road, listed at £2.5 million, was sentenced at Warrington Magistrates Court on Tuesday, January 3.

The former player was handed a 12-month community sentence of 100 hours unpaid work.

Deputy district judge Owen Jones ordered him to pay £200 compensation to his ex-girlfriend, £640 costs and £95 victim surcharge.

The judge also imposed a 12-month restraining order banning him from contacting the victim or going near her home for a year.

Adarabioyo must pay the £359 court penalty by March 2.