CHESHIRE East Council is spending more than £20,000 a year to mothball a former day care centre in Knutsford which has been closed since 2010.

A freedom of information request (FOI) revealed that in the last financial year  the council shelled out £22,500 on Bexton Court, which used to provide dementia care services.

It is holding on to the building because it is understood the NHS may want it as part of its future healthcare plans for the town.

Knutsford councillor Stewart Gardiner, speaking as a ward councillor, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “My understanding is, the last meeting we had on this, the [council] officers were to go back to the NHS and ask what is your plan because we need to make a decision and we can’t because we don’t want to prejudice what you might want to do.”

Knutsford Guardian:

Knutsford councillor Stewart Gardiner

He added: “If the NHS are not quick enough I think the council will have to, in the interests of its people, decide what to do with it.

“My call would be to NHS managers – put this to the top of your list to decide what you’re going to do because otherwise you might find you can’t do what you want to do because the council have moved on without you.  And, after 12 years, I think that’s not an unreasonable position to be in.”

The freedom of information request reveals the council is paying annual costs for the empty building which includes business rates, council tax, security charges and a small gas charge.

It budgeted for £22,500 last year alone and these costs are subject to annual inflation rises.

In February, in response to the FOI request, Cheshire East said: “The council is aware of the very long standing proposals of the NHS for the site on Bexton Road, as having potential for the provision of primary care provision along with other health uses.

"The council looks to work with other public sector partners, however there is no formal agreement or approval in place from the council for this use."

It added: "The council is aware of the wider NHS’s proposal for development of a primary care provision for Knutsford along with other health uses and has provided input into their activities. This activity is been led by the Cheshire CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group).”

The Local Democracy Reporting Service has contacted Cheshire East Council asking for an update on Bexton Court. No response has yet been received.