ELEVEN people have been arrested after Insulate Britain protesters glued themselves to a road by Manchester Airport.

The environmental campaigners blocked Wilmslow Road (A538), with traffic grinding to a halt shortly after 9am on Tuesday, November 2.

READ> Insulate Britain protesters block road by Manchester Airport

Greater Manchester Police were soon on the scene as the banner brandishing protesters sat in the middle of the road, blocking traffic on the busy stretch of road.

Knutsford Guardian: Protesters from Insulate Britain blocking a road near to the Holiday Inn Express Motorway Airport in Manchester. Picture date: Tuesday November 2, 2021.

According to the police, the majority of the activists had glued themselves to the tarmac, as the group continued its nationwide campaign of calling for Government action on the climate crisis.

Police began to make arrests at around lunchtime, with the force tweeting how a total of 11 were arrested and detained on suspicion of causing danger to road users.

Knutsford Guardian: A protester with their hand glued to the road at an Insulate Britain roadblock near to the Holiday Inn Express Motorway Airport in Manchester. Picture date: Tuesday November 2, 2021.

Greater Manchester Police tweeted: "A total of 11 people have now been arrested.

"The majority of protesters had glued themselves to the road before being later removed by officers and detained on suspicion of causing danger to road-users (section 22a of Road Traffic Act).

"Disruption was kept to a minimum as officers ensured routes to the nearby motorway and airport weren’t blocked, and all roads in the area have now returned to normal.

"We thank the public for their co-operation despite their understandable frustration."