A SCHOOL in Mobberley has been given a prestigious award in recognition of its work in bringing the world into the classroom.

Mobberley CofE Primary School has been presented with the Intermediate level of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award.

The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education.

Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life and work in today’s world.

Emma Millington, global lead for the school, established a link with a school in Nepal back in 2017.

Knutsford Guardian:

When deciding where to find a partner school, Nepal was chosen to honour the Mobberley mountaineer George Mallory who climbed Mount Everest.

All staff in the school have carried out international projects in collaboration with the link school. Activities have involved looking at Christmas celebrations around the world and exploring the Sustainable Development Goals.

On hearing the news that Mobberley had achieved Intermediate level of the award, Damien Stenson, Headteacher said:

"We are delighted to receive this prestigious award.

"Over several years now, Mobberley School has placed a deliberate emphasis on Global Learning and Global Sustainable Development.

"We feel it is very much part of our Mission to educate Mobberley children about the wider world and recognise cultural difference as something to be cherished and celebrated.

Knutsford Guardian:

"We have been fortunate to be able to develop strong links with our partner school in Dhobighat, Nepal and our children have built up meaningful connections with their peers.

"Through the support of the British Council, our staff visited Nepal in 2018 and were able to share a variety of materials, experiences and customs relating to Mobberley with all classes.

"Likewise, the return visit of Nepalese staff to our school in 2019 was a vibrant exchange of ideas bringing great joy into classrooms and a really powerful understanding of difference in culture."

Emma Millington added: "I am so pleased we have been recognised with this award.

"It’s a chance to celebrate the hard work of staff and pupils over the last few years.

"Visiting Nepal and having a reciprocal visit made it feel real for the children and they still talk now about our special visitors.

"Looking forward, we would love to visit Nepal again to continue our links.

"We have a few local schools on board who are interested in forming a global hub to ensure the international learning continues."