CHESHIRE East bosses say they are fighting back against the blight of dog dirt in Knutsford.

The council spoke out after we revealed that just two dog owners had been fined for not cleaning up after their pets in the town in the past year.

Several families have contacted the Guardian about the ‘foul’ habit, saying they are concerned about the health risks to their children.

A spokesman for Cheshire East Council said: “Dog fouling is unacceptable, and it is something that the council takes very seriously.

“In tackling the problem our first priority is to educate dog owners about the health risks and environmental damage.

“This is done through high visibility patrols and targeted initiatives in problems areas where we get complaints from residents. We are also exploring partnership approaches that have worked well elsewhere in Cheshire East.

“We will take tough action where required, and our community wardens continue to have success in issuing on-the-spot £50 fixed penalty notices.

“In Knutsford we are pleased to report that we have issued just two fixed penalty notices in the last 12 months.

“Our robust enforcement teams have ensured that the issue of dog fouling is minimised in Knutsford and across Cheshire East as a whole, where the majority of dog owners are law-abiding and responsible citizens who clean up after pets.”

Sue McKern, of Highland Way, has noticed an increase in the amount of dog dirt around town while walking her daughter Yvette’s West Highland white terrier, Bentley.

She said: “I get so cross because there’s so many young people around here.

“Young mums take their kids to school on their scooters and I hate to think of it getting on their wheels and shoes. It’s foul.”

Some dog walkers are picking up after their pets but then dumping the bags on the side of the pavement.

Sue added: “It’s crazy. It makes no sense because outside Bexton School is a bin for dog dirt. I wonder if people are embarrassed by walking their dog and carrying it, but that’s part of having a dog.”