Knutsford Guardian - Memorials

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Death Notice

Heather Patricia CRAIG

Published on 20/06/2024

CRAIG Heather Patricia On 15th June 2024 peacefully in hospital and of Knutsford. Heather, aged 92 years, beloved wife of the late Robert, sadly missed by her daughters, Lee and Sarah, her four granddaughters and four great grandchildren. Dear sister-in-law of Dr Henry Craig and mother of the late James. Funeral service at Knutsford Cemetery Chapel on Monday 1st July at 12.00pm followed by interment in the Cemetery. No flowers please, donations if wished for The Christie. Donations and enquiries to Dodgson's Funeral Service, 25 Manchester Road, Knutsford, WA16 0LY. Tel: 01565 634251.


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